Monday, August 29, 2011


First week of school.


Me and Kens reppin sparky forever ago!

So, we were welcomed back to ASU! Nick and I get to wake up together, eat breakfast together, go to school together, have institute together, and come home together. (except I slept longer than him and skipped breakfast because of it. We all start somewhere right?) But in general it's wonderfundle! 

Nick is majoring in biochemistry.
This is what pops up when you google biochemistry.
I DO NOT want to know what it is.

I am majoring in Speech and Hearing Science. I am minoring in Psychology and currently in the Speech Language Pathologist Assistant program at ASU. I LOVE it! The start of this semester has made me more confused whether to become an audiologist or a speech pathologist. Good thing I have a year to decide! 

After 2 hard weeks of school and work, we get to go to MEXICO with Jim and Kens this weekend!! I think it's time for a little flashback, shall we?

Okay, Nick and I have never been to Mexico together but he still is in the reminiscing. 
There's not quite an explanation for this one.
 Beach <3
Aren't they cute?
We can't wait! More picture to come!! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Summers End

It's here, the dreaded/ anticipated end of summer. I work at a school for children with autism and we had a two week long break for their "summer." The last two days (Thursday and Friday) I had CIT training. Client/Crisis Intervention Training. Basically what to do when a client is in danger to themself, others or property. It was very interesting and I learned a lot! But of course out of all the days of my break, Nick didn't have to to go to work both those days.

He was more productive those two days than I had been in the past two weeks! He:
-Cleaned my car
-Did the laundry
-Cleaned the sheets
-Made me mac n' cheeese
-Vacuumed the house
-Cleaned the Bathroom
-Made me Breakfast
-Met me for Lunch
-Went to Lowes
-Figured out our rent drama (apparently its SUPPPER difficult for people to realize Nick May and Shelby Tanner equal SHELBY MAY!)
-Go to the Mall with me

And the list goes on. 
He's so great. I have a lot of growing up to do. 

After my training we went to the Baseball game. 
The newly weds can't be apart so I got to go with "the boys."
(They won! Duh!)
We got to hang out with our adorable nephew Easton at the game. <3
He loves us! Even though he tries to forget how much.

On Saturday, we went to Rockin R Ranch with my family for my Grandpa's birthday. 
My sister almost vomited when I showed her how cute these pictures were. She told me "You're married now, no more engagement pictures! Gross!" Thanks Shay! hahah 

Sometimes I do little photoshoots. Like I said, I'm still like 14 (Haha mentally) and I have some growing up to do, so don't mind my immaturity. I like my big camera!

I don't know if you can see it, but its a picture of a cat with no ears..
Little brother hangs out with me sometimes when Nick is at school. 
Thanks lil bro! 
Same with my wonderful friends who keep me company (Tay, Kens, and Mel (electronically)) and my family that entertains me while Nick is at his 5 hour night class. I owe you guys! (oh and Stella!)

Life is such an adventure! Balancing and keeping our priorities straight will probably come with the rush of school, married life,our church callings, work, homework, studying, cleaning, GROCERIES and many more things on our "To Do" list (I am sure I'll find time to squeeze in blogging.) I may or may not be so good at balancing...HELP!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One word, PHLEBOTOMY!!

Of course, the man I marry would become the very thing I fear!!
Our first adventure so far may or may not consist of Nick stealing peoples' blood. Yes it's true, he has started school to become a phlebotomist. if you don't know what phlebotomy is, like I didn't at first, its drawing BLOOD (with a needle, not his teeth!) 
A four week class, Monday thru Thursday 5pm-10pm (Hence why I started blogging). It is the start down a long road of possibly medical school or PA school (which isn't so long.) Luckily, the Arizona Medical Training Institute is literally three minutes from our apartment so I can see him on breaks! 

His first pair of scrubs!
This wasn't quite the ideal end of summer. But he loves it! VAMPIRE NIGHT is on August 23rd if anyone is interested in helping students practice stealing your blood. I am not brave enough to do it, therefore I feel it's my duty to get as many people there. :) 
I love my amazing hard working husband! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me! He is the most selfless person I know. My sweet Nicholas EDWARD May <3 (No pun intended.)

Monday, August 8, 2011

About us....and why I am starting a blog. it is, our first blog. Since Nick and I started dating he would ask me "are you going to blog?" My answer was usually maybe, I don't know, or we'll see. With my best friend living in Florida and my friends local telling me they they will actually read this, I was still wondering how I could ever come up with anything anyone in the world would care to read... but today we got internet and look what I am doing... blogging.

About us..
Disneyland trip for my 21st birthday is when sparks began to fly. After chasing me for a year, I realized how much I wanted to be with Nick at the "happiest place on earth."
A fairytale beginning, our first kiss was at the top of the ferris wheel at the State Fair.
Well here we are, on our way to the Bahamas to get engaged!  
(I had no idea!)
One of my favorites of the engagement pictures.
May 27, 2011 we were sealed for time and all eternity in the Mesa, Arizona Temple.
It was the greatest day of my life! 
(Thank you Shay for letting me steal this picture from your blog :) )
Our beautiful honeymoon in Huntington Beach. 

Well there it is. Our (my) first blog post! All about us and my justification for starting a blog. This "May or May not" interest anyone (haha SO cheesy but I needed something a little creative.) Hopefully eventually I will become a pro like my friends and sister whose blogs I read and laugh my head off because I think they are so cool. 

Someday there will be more interesting updates on all our adventures in life.  This is like our cyberspace scrapbook (I hate scrapbooking so this works for me.)